
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Knocked out with the cold!

The bad news:  I came down with a cold, chills and aches and everything. Argh!
The good news: my neighbour came over with a tasty bowl of chicken soup. Thank you, Carol I owe you one!
And - J.P. recovered his cooking skills again. He is doing just fine. Hope he doesn't catch it too.
Home made chicken soup

Die schlechte Nachricht: Aus dem Verkehr gezogen wegen Schüttelfrost und Bronchitis! Toll!
Die gute Nachricht: Meine Nachbarin brachte mir eine gute Hühnersuppe. Vielen Danke Carol. Darauf muß ich dir einen ausgeben!

Dårlige nyheter first: jeg er slåt ut av forkjølese med fever og bronchitis.
Goode nyheter: naboen min kom for å bringe an bolle med hjemmelaget, deilig kyllingsuppe. Takk so meget, Carol. Neste gang er det min tur!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like the multi-lingual touch. That's awesome.
    I was kind of wondering about the slight issues with some words like, "owe".
    Yes, there's an "e" at the end.
    Wahnsinn, Ich weiß!

    It's a weird little language, that English.


I love getting a comment from you now and then. Be patient, they will appear, I just have to see first if they are OK to publish. No anonymous any more. I am getting too much spam.