
Monday, 16 January 2012

Orange Cookies a la J.P.

Looking for ingredients
Dough in process ....

The other day J.P. got into his baking mood again. This time he baked a special "thumb rule cookie". Orange Zest, and cookie dough. The result: very tasty orange flavoured cookies.  No recipe. That is pure male intelligence, or doe it fit into the category: men never read instructions?
Looked good...

P.S. I am fine. Just feeling a bit sheepish after coming out as a hoax. Let's forget about it.

Tasted even better

Vor ein paar Tagen war J.P. mal wieder in Backlaune. Dieses mal frei nach "Schnauze". Orangenschale und Mürbeteig wurde zu sehr leckeren Orangenplätzchen verarbeitet. Kein Rezept.
Männliche Intelligenz oder gehört es in die Kategorie: Männer lesen keine Gebrauchsanweisung?

P.S. Mir geht es gut. Bin nur ein wenig belämmert weil ich mir alles nur eingebildet hatte. 

For noen dager siden var gubben tilbake i "bakehjørnet". Denne gangen ble det deilige småkaker med appelsinskall i. Ingen oppskrift. Som man sier: men trenger ingen bruksveiledning.

P.S. Alt er bra med meg. Føler meg bare litt dum. Mye styr for ingenting.

1 comment:

  1. The cookies sure look good to me. You are quite a chef!!


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