
Monday, 5 March 2012

Potato Salad in Quartzsite, AZ

We made it to Quartzsite, AZ in the early afternoon. Pretty warm day with a nice breeze.
There were still many campers around but we found a nice spot for the night.
Having cooked potatoes and wieners in the fridge I convinced J.P. do make supper tonight. 

We had potato salad and wieners by the fire. Great!

Tomorrow we have to get out of here because they have predicted strong winds for about 12 hours. Up to 35 mi/h in gusts. We want to be parked in Wickenburg, AZ by then.
Wir sind wieder in Quartzsite, AZ. Es war heute ziemlich warm, rund 26C, aber mit einer leichten Brise konnte man es im Schatten gut aushalten.
Heute abend konnte ich J.P. davon überzeugen das Abendessen zuzubereiten.
Und so wurde Kartoffelsalat mit Würstchen draußen am Lagerfeuer verzehrt.
Morgen müssen wir sehen das wir Wickenburg,AZ erreichen bevor der große Sturm losbricht. Die Wettervorhersage warnt vor starkem Wind, bis 56 km/Std.
Da wollen wir nicht auf der Straße sein.
Idag er vi parkert nær Quartzsite, AZ. Dagen var deilig varm med en kjølig bris. Gubben var ansvarlig for middagen idag. Vi spiste potetsalad med pølser ute ved bålet.
Imorgen må vi skynne oss. Værmeldingen varsler sterk vind og vi vil være i Wickenburg, AZ før det hele braker løs.


  1. Winds aren't fun. We don't like them at all unless they are tailwinds pushing you along at the exact speed in the exact direction you want to go.

  2. Ich sehe "Wiener" an jeden Tag wenn ich hinaus gehe! Ha!

    OK, I had to say something about the wieners! I don't know how English speaking folk ever mixed up the difference between "frankfurters" and "wieners". Then of course there's Wiener Schnitzel, which is something different entirely.

    Enjoy you stay in Q.

  3. The German "Wieners" sausages are shorter than the "Frankfurters" (Franks). But in the US they use short franks in Hot Dogs. So I should have called them US like "Franks". :))


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