
Monday, 16 April 2012

Bleak Sunday - Black Monday

First, I say a warm welcome to Kelly from The Bayfield Bunch and,  Stephen Baird who calls himself "Nikon Sniper".  Both their blogs display lots of gorgeous photos. Thanks for joining my blog. We are not traveling during the spring and summer time, but there is always something else to see and write about.  So just hang in.

I got a bout of writers block. First I tried to get frames around my photos. It should be possible using the HTLM version. Now, I have no clue about this language, so on the net I went and found a webpage where they tutor you how to do things and much more. After a while I got frames around sentences and photos, on their "try-it-yourself pages". Additionally I found out that the HTLM in blogger also uses CSS signs. On I went and tried to learn about this too. By the end it worked fine on the example pages, but when I tried it in the templates, nothing happened.  When I copied the exact version given on a blogger support  page, right into the spot it should go NOTHING changed.
Uggh. Very frustrating and my desire to write about anything that evening was down to zero. The whole night I was doing HTLM in my dreams!

A cool and foggy day today
Monday came..
Another day, another chance. I got some soil into my square frame garden bed. That was the positive thing.
From there on it was just downhill.
J.P. went shopping and came back again with fish. Buying fish on a Monday is never a good thing to do. Definitely not fresh.
Well, he wanted to repeat his fried fish recipe that worked out so well last time. OK. I was doing the veggies and potatoes.
When he started on the batter (flour, baking powder, seasoning and milk) he realized that he forgot to buy the milk.
No problem for his imaginative mind, he substituted milk with sour cream. THAT, he shouldn't have done. When the battered fish hit the heated oil in the pan the whole became ONE BIG MESS!
The batter instantly stuck to the bottom of the pan in a black layer and, when he tried to turn the fish it all came apart. Just mush!
Frustration took over, he muttered and sputtered. "Sh..! Dang! This only good for dog-food", was what I heard among other not mentionable utterings.
The end: started to fry some sausages for himself.
Once i a bad mood my veggies did not please either, "not eatable, too "al dente"!
To patch up  my misdoing I gave up my chocolate pudding to him. Alas, it did not have the effect desired.
Grumbling he grabbed the leash and walked the dog.
While finishing the dishes and cleaning the mess I opened all windows and doors to get rid of the stench.
"Does it still smell?" I asked when he turned into the door.
"No, but it is ice-cold now!" Demonstrative he sunk into his favourite chair wearing a thick fleece jacket.
Well, well. The best is to leave him alone with his laptop and wait until the black clouds have disappeared.
A good sign: he ate the next last bit of the coffee cake and said in my direction: "There is one piece left."
Sorry no pictures. I didn't have the heart to take photos in the kitchen today.

Gestern war ich wohl zu faul zum Schreiben. Oder besser gesagt frustriert da ich mich den ganzen Tag mit der Komputersprache HTML und CSS rumgeschlagen habe.
Heute war auch kein besonders erfreulicher Tag. 

J.P. hatte ein negatives Kocherlebnis. Sein gebackener Fisch klebte in der Pfanne fest, wurde zu Mus und der Pfannenboden bekam einen Überzug aus Grillkohle.
Schimpfend wie ein Rohrspatz endete er das Desaster in dem er sich ein paar Würstchen briet. Mein Gemüse war nicht weich genug gekocht und nach dem dringen notwendigen Auslüften der Räume war es ihm viel zu kalt im Haus!
Das Beste ist ihn mit dem Rechner in Ruhe zu lassen und warten bis sich der Sturm verzogen hat.
Ein gutes Zeichen; er hat mir das letzte Stück Kuchen übrig gelassen.

1 comment:

  1. How funny about the fish batter but we all have little issues at time when food doesn't come out like we want it. Like you ... I only went fresh and wild fish.

    Have you tried Windows Live Writer for your blogs? They have frames if that's what you're looking for.

    Lots of luck though with your little project.


I love getting a comment from you now and then. Be patient, they will appear, I just have to see first if they are OK to publish. No anonymous any more. I am getting too much spam.