
Saturday, 14 April 2012

A Coffee Cake and Flying Jay

Another day and lots of things to write about. 
First: A Blue Jay at the bird feeder. But, as  soon as I got closer he took off. 
A "Flying Jay"!

Then I dug up 3 garbage bags full of raspberry roots! And one can't even see that I worked there!
My garden plot
My advice: don't ever plant raspberries in your garden and then forget to contain them for several years. A nightmare!

I got hungry and because it's weekend it was time to bake something for the afternoon coffee break. 
When we still lived in Cold Lake, AB,  I purchased a cook book at a yard sale. 
While I leafed through the cookie-part of the booklet I thought:  What would be better than:
Coffee Cookie Sheet Squares (how to: see down below)
Coffee Cookie Sheet Squares
In the evening, when I accidently glanced out the kitchen window there was this red shine on the other side of the bay. Must be near Perry, ME. A bush fire! I run up on our upper deck and took a shot. Hope they get it contained before it damages property and people!
Bushfire, (Waldbrand, skogsbrand)
How to do:
Coffee Cookie Sheet Squares

submitted by St Paul's Lutheran Estonia, SK
1 cup dates, chopped ( 1 had only 1/2 cup left over so I added)
1/2 cup of dried cherries and apricots to the recipe
1/2 cup of coffee
1/2 cup pecan halves, chopped
2/3 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 2/3 cup flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Grease a 9 x 11 cooking sheet pan, preheat oven to 350 F (190 C).
Cook dates, and other dried fruit with coffee until they start to soften. Add vanilla.
In a separate bowl cream butter and sugar, Add eggs one at a time. 
Mix baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon with the flour and fold this into the egg mix. Add fruit mixture and nuts. Blend well.
Pour into cooking sheet pan and bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and ice.
1 1/2 cup icing sugar (took only 1/2 cup)
2 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. cream (I didn't have that) 
1 tsp. instant coffee
1 tsp. vanilla (didn't use that here) 
Mix real well and spread over the cake.
The cake/cookie turned out very well. I could have eaten the whole batch by myself!
For Norsk tekst se nedenfor (read more)
Heute war ich Backlaune und habe einen Rührkuchen zum Nachmittagskaffee produziert. Siehe:
Ein Blauer Häher flog davon als ich ihn am Vogelhaus fotografierte.
Am Abend konnte ich von Küchenfenster aus einen Waldbrand auf dem Festland sehen.
Das Rezept fand ich in einem Büchlein daß ich einmal auf einem Flohmarkt gekauft hatte.
150g getrocknete Datteln, gewürfelt (hatte nicht genug, deshalb habe ich noch)
100 g getrocknete Kirschen und Aprikosen (dazugetan)
80 g Nüsse, gehackt
180 g Rohrzucker
2 Eier
200 g Mehl
1/3 Teel. Salz
1/2 Teel. Backpulver
1/2 Teel. Backsoda
1 Vanillezucker
1/2 Teel. Zimt
120 ml Kaffee
Ein flache Backform (ca 22x 15 cm) einfetten, den Backofen auf 190 C vorwärmen. Die Trockenfrüchte mit dem Kaffee kurz aufkochen. 
In einer Schüssel die Butter mit dem Zucker schaumig rühren, die Eier einzeln hinzugeben. Das Backpulver, Backsoda, Vanillezucker und Zimt mischen und zu der Eimasse geben. Zuletzt die Nüsse und die Früchte unterheben. Den Teig in die Kuchenform geben und bei 190 C ca 25 Minuten backen. Mit Zuckerguß 
Sehr lecker geworden. Das Rezept werde ich mir merken.

Jeg pøvde å ta et bilde fra en blå nøtteskriker, men den tok av.

Om kvelden så jeg fra kjøkkenvindue en skogsbrand på andere siden av viken.
Kaffekake med frukt.
150g daddler, i terninger siden jeg hadde ikke nok brukte jeg i tillegg annen tørrfrukt:
100 g kirskebær og aprikoser
80 g hakkete nøtter
180 g brun sukker
2 egg
200 g mel
1/3 ts. salt
1/2 ts, bakepulver
1/2 ts bakingnatron
1 vaniljesukker
1/2 ts kanel
120 ml kaffe
Smør en flat kakeform (ca 22 x 15 cm ), set bakeovn til 190 Grader.
Kok frukt i kaffen inntil de begynner å bli mykt. I en bolle pisk sukker med smør og tilføy en egg om gangen . Bland mel med bakepulver,  soda, kanel og vanillesukker og rør sammen med eggmassen. Til slutten tilføy nøtter og kokt frukt.  
Deigen helles i formen og bakes ved 190 Grader i ca 25 minutter. 
Pensles med en blanding av melis, litt smør og instant kaffe.

1 comment:

  1. I love taking pictures of birds and flowers and all kinds of animals. How beautiful they all are. Your coffee cake looks delicious and like you said previously. I wish they'd come up with a way to send little bites of food to others. Who knows what the future will hold.


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