I haven't been blogging lately and there is a reason for it.
I am busy, busy, busy, because I got myself another job. Now, I change between working at the
Campobello Whale Watch Motel
This is an old photo, hence the blur. |
and at our local grocery store (
Campobello Village Mart ), where I try to be useful in the deli department (subs, sandwiches, salads and that kind of stuff).
Right now, while I am blogging, I am on night shift at the Motel. I "baby-sit" the location while the owners are entertaining private guests at their residence.
The good thing with that night shift is that I am allowed to use my laptop to shorten the night hours. Molly didn't have to stay at home alone either, she may keep company with the office dog "Gracie".
Neither seemed to really be in the mood to be photographed tonight.
Molly isn't used to the faint rumbling noises from the guest on the second floor. That spooks her. Maybe she would rather be at home on her own bed right now. Who knows. You cannot have it all.
The Motel actually hasn't a water view, but they have a "whale" view. Fran and Jim have some cute little whales "splashing" around in the flower beds. Theses toy whales do their job watering the greenery.
One of the things I most like with these jobs is the flexibility. Where else would I find that?
We all try to work together and make things go around. Some days when I am needed at the Motel I get off at the Grocery Store and vice versa. In the afternoon I bring Molly over as well. She stays outside on the Motel's porch and watches us at work.
Even when there is a guiding tour coming up I have been lucky so far. I always could get off to do the tour and "go to work" after or before.
The tour around the island is of course pure pleasure time.
Everybody knows how important all our visitors are for this small island community and we all try to be as accommodating as possible.
Boy - where has summer gone?
My garden is a bit neglected, no wonder!
but there are squash, and bell peppers, carrots and peas, green and yellow beans lettuce, tomatoes and all kind of herbs.
I am not starving. Food is plentiful, I even have enough to share with my friends.
This year I am also lucky with the flowering peas.
Maybe because I didn't do anything. Laugh!
Now time is flying by and soon we are in September can you believe it? The fall season will be there.
A beautiful orb spider web. They crop up everywhere, a sure a sign of autumn to come.