NO, I did NOT freeze during the night. That's the good news.
The bad news is: I did not sleep much.
After a while it actually got a tad to warm,
and I struggled with the covers.
That made me wake up and realize that something was wrong.
A clicking noise, another clicking noise...
UGH! At 11:30 PM (23:30 h) the furnace quit to work!
My first thought was that the propane may have frozen solid.
I got up, dressed quickly, put my head light on
and ventured outside, into the glittering, starry,
bitterly cold night, to investigate.
No, the propane was not frozen,
but both bottles (20/30pounder) were EMPTY.
I yanked two full ones up and connected them;
a not so easy thing to do, because the lines
were nearly frozen to sticks.
Safely inside again I started the oven -
flames were burning there. GOOD!
Now the furnace.
It clicked and clicked and clicked.
FINALLY the pilot flame ignited,
and soon warm air streamed again into the living area.
Good. GOOD.
Back to bed, back to sleep.
Not so easy.
I was constantly listening:
Was the furnace still running?
When Peter left for work at 5 AM I thought:
NOW I could snooze, but no,
Molly started to whine. UGH!
A sure sign that she has to go out for business.
Up again, and letting her out the door.
This time I stayed inside.
There would be nobody out there anyway.
After a few minutes she was back at the door,
and I back in bed.
NOW I finally fell asleep !!
But the adventure was not over yet.
When I got up, I checked around.
No ice on the walls,
but: in the corners,
along the window's aluminum frames.
Ice in the corner behind the chair
WORSE, the temperatures inside
had not risen above 10C (50 F)!
Even with the furnace blasting warm air at full tilt.
The reason: outside temps still -28 C (-18F)
with windchill of -42C (-43.6F).
But relief is in sight!
The TV NEWS showed that: by the end of the week
we will be back to "normal" temperatures of -2C (28F)
for daytime high temperatures!
All temperatures in Celsius. |
That will feel like summer temperatures, compared!
Layers is the magic word!
Now I know how an "Eskimo" might feel like.
Brrrr. Greetings from our
Yes, and our water is frozen too, but that is not a surprise.
I suggested to drain and winterize but hubby had
his own thoughts about that.
For Better and Worse!
They said.
I was not knowing what I was getting into....