
Friday 2 December 2011

This and That

I am back from a little time out. 
Squash with Amaranth and Veggies
We had some busy days and some lazy days. Our neighbours' fridge got fixed and everybody is happy. 
After some days where we had joint meals we are now back to normal.
First the ribs were grilled... cooked in a sauce for an hour.
There were special juicy country ribs and baked squash with amaranth, hamburgers and sausages. 
The nights are getting colder and the wind prevented us to have our bonfires in the evenings. But the days are still nice and warm. I prefer the cooler mornings to go for a long walk. 
Habe mal ein paar Tage Pause eingelegt. 
Unsere Nachbarn haben inzwischen wieder einen funktionierenden Kühlschrank und die Tage gemeinsamen Kochens sind erst einmal vorbei. Wir hatten spezielle Grillrippchen, Kürbisgemüse mit Amaranth, Frikadellen und natürlich Bratwürstchen.
Die Nächte werden kühler und starker Wind hat uns davon abgehalten am Lagerfeuer zu sitzen. Doch tagsüber ist es immer noch angenehm warm. Mir sind die kühlen Vormittage auch viel lieber zum Spazierengehen.
Jeg tok meg noen dagers pause. Det var forskjellige ting som måtte gjøres. Naboene våre fikk reparert kjøleskapet sitt og dagene med felles koking er omme.
Vi laget grillet svineribbe, baket gresskar med amaranth, kjøttkaker og pølsemat.
Nettene blir stadig kjøligere og vinden har blåst slik at vi ikke kunne lage bål.
Men dagene er deilig varm enda og jeg foretrekker kjølige temperaturer for å gå på tur om morningen.

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