
Monday 30 September 2013

Fog, Sunshine and a Hike

Another beautiful day. It started out pretty foggy, though.
Fog shrouded our island this morning
Molly: "Oh, no - not that flashlight again!"
But by noon the mist had burned off and I went on a hike with some friends who have enjoyed the summer here.
They are soon to leave the island returning to their winter homes in the states.
The path leads through the forest ..

..up to a point where we had a tremendous view over the entire bay area.
 view towards the west
Some places the fog was still hanging around.

view towards the north
We sat and enjoyed ourselves for about an hour before turning home.

What would life be without good friends?

This was taken last summer when a cruise boat came in.
I just love this place!


  1. It turned out a great day after the fog lifted and you had too much fun with friends.

    1. Is there such a thing as "too much fun with friends"? :))


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