I admit, I am no eloquent writer, but I have fun nonetheless with blogging. And, there is always a hope for improvement. ;))
I took some shots while sitting in the passengers seat. St. Stephen is not very 'pretty' a place. But there is one particular dwelling along the way which I always like to look at.
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A special group of "scare cows" |
Sometimes I ask myself: why are we in such a hurry?
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Antique shoppe in Lubec, Me |
Our neighbour lady from Boston, MA turned 88 today and we went over for a visit! She is still going strong. Earned her College degree 5 years ago, she told us!
What else did I do:
I baked another "The caretaker's banana bread". It will be a staple in our house for sure. I just added some dried cherries to it, as my personal touch, I guess.:))
Did long walks to get enough data on the monitor box. Uphill and downhill, stairs and beach I walked. Now I am really curious what they will come up with. Of course, it is as it always is: no significant shortness of breath, no palpitations while I am on the wire. Maybe it all in my head after all.
Tonight I concocted a new dish of stuffed bell peppers. Usually I cook stuffed peppers with rice and hamburger meat. If you are interested in that see here.
Turned out really well. I thought it would be enough for two days, but - dream on.
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Filled bell peppers |
If you like to look at the recipe, go here.
Now it is tea time again!
Gestern sind wir nach St. Stephen gefahren. Dort hat man mir einen Langzeit EKG Monitor angepaßt. Damit bin ich nun zwei Tage unterwegs. Spazierengehen und Treppensteigen. Mal sehen was dabei raus kommt.
Unterwegs habe ich eine Gruppe spezieller Vogelscheuchen photografiert und einen bunt bemalten Antiquitätenladen.
Unsere Nachbarin von Boston wurde heute stolze 88 Jahre jung. Sie ist bewunderswert fit. Sie hat, zusammen mit ein paar Freundinnen, for 5 Jahren noch ihren Fachhochschulabschuß bestanden.
Was noch? Ich habe noch ein weiteres Bananenbrot gebacken. Wir werden noch süchtig, so gut schmeckt das.
Dann habe ich eine weitere Variante für gefüllte Paprikaschoten erfunden. Statt mit Hackfleisch und Reis, habe ich sie mit einer Mischung aus Gemüse, Würstchen und Käse gefüllt. Es hat uns so gut geschmeckt daß nicht davon übrig geblieben ist.
Ten years ago, my daughter and I were planning a trip to England. She did most of the itinerary but it was still stressful for me. I started having heart palpitations. I finally went to my doctor and had a heart monitor for a day. It showed nothing was wrong. As soon as we arrived in England, they went away and never returned. Maybe you are stressed about something that you can put an end to.
ReplyDeleteTerry loves stuffed bell peppers but I usually make them with hamburger and rice too. That's the way Mom did them but I'm certain a little experimenting is a great treat. The banana bread looks awesome.
ReplyDeleteMy first open water dive was scheduled at 80' the day after our arrival in the Caymans. I was so afraid and so scared that I started having all kinds of symptoms. Once I realized I was too sick to go, everything went away and I felt fine..... stress.