
Saturday 19 March 2016

March Apple Talk

I just want to let you know how it went with our apples we harvested in late November / early December. 
As I told you earlier, the majority was stored in a cool attic room. 
During the coldest months the temperatures in the room 
went down to just above the freezing mark.
The fruit were checked regularly and bad ones discarded. 
Some of the apples were stored on a flattened card board 
(to the right in the photo below). 
Several month later these show a wrinkled skin, 
but there is nothing wrong with these apples. 
Their flavour is still great.
Others were stored in a open plastic bag 
under the rafters in the basement. 
Those kept their smooth skinned appearance,
and I am sure they will keep a few more weeks. 
(The plastic bag prevented evaporation, I guess.) 
Look at the insides, flawless, like freshly picked of the tree. 

Amazing and I am so pleased 
with the outcome of my experiment!
It shows that the old fashioned apples are not bad at all.
 I don't need all these "newfangled" GMO apples that can be
stored for ages without loosing their shine. 
My apples don't need any treatment 
and still keep their freshness for many month. 
These old apples provided us with fresh fruit 
all winter long. I bet they also contain 
more nutrients than their modern cousins.

That day, I decided to cook up some of the wrinkled ones 
and bake a 
German Apple pie with a "Streusel" topping. 
You will ask why it looks blue-black?
The answer is: 
I didn't cook enough apples and 
filled up the void with a handful of frozen blueberries.
Apple-Blueberry Streusel Pie.

Today, a week later, I baked the second one. 
The first one didn't last long.


Auntie's Translation

Die Äpfel, die wir Ende November/ Anfang Dezember geerntet hatten haben sich wunderbar gehalten.
Einige sind etwas runzlig geworden, andere, die in einer Plastiktüte untergebracht waren, sind noch ganz glatt.
Doch die Schnittfläche ist ganz frisch, 
und am Geschmack ist auch nichts auszusetzen. 
Da sieht man daß man nicht unbedingt diese modernen Äpfel kaufen muß. Die alten Apfelsorten lassen sich problemlos überwintern. 
Wir haben den ganzen Winter frische Äpfel gegessen, und ich
bin überzeugt daß unsere Äpfel gehaltvoller sind.

Von einem Teil der runzligen Äpfel habe ich letzte Woche einen 
Apfelstreusel gebacken. Da ich nicht genügend Äpfel gekocht 
hatte habe ich kurzerhand eine Tasse gefrorener 
Blaubeeren dazu mischen.
Die Kombination war ganz hervorragend!

Heute habe ich schon den zweiten Kuchen gebacken.
Diese Mischung werde ich mir merken.