
Saturday 9 July 2011

Pasta Casserole and a Colourful Salad

This is one of the tough days! I really have no idea what we are going to have for dinner today. Let's have a look in the fridge. Leftovers again.
Some pasta, some chicken, grilled rib meat and sausages.

To get into the mood I start with the salad. Iceberg lettuce, bell pepper, a stalk of celery, broccoli. I chop the vegetables into smaller bits and prepare a dressing with juice of 1/2 lemon, 2 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg.
Today I add some cubes of mozzarella cheese to the salad.
I fry onions and garlic 1 tbls oil then fill up with 2 cup of broth that formed when I steamed the ribs the other day (you can also use canned broth.) Add 1 cup (100 ml) tomato sauce a little starch to thicken it. Season with salt, pepper, Italian herb mix. And then........
Then it hits me:  Preheat the oven to 350 F (ca 176 C)
I grab a heat resistant glass dish and fill in the pasta/ noodles (2 cups) from the other day. I chop the meat leftovers into smaller pieces mix it with the pasta and fill up with the sauce. Top the whole with shredded cheese.
Set into the oven for about 30 minutes.

Desert: Yogurt with blueberry jam.
There! Done.

Dinner today: Pasta/noodle casserole with colourful salad.

Die Deutsche Ecke:
Seufz! Heute ist mal wieder so ein Tag an dem mir nichts Besonderes einfällt.
Machen wir mal den Kühlschrank auf: da haben sich schon wieder allerlei Reste angesammelt. Hühnerbrust, Grillrippe und Würstchen, gekochte Nudeln.
Um in Stimmung zu kommen bereite ich erst einmal einen bunten Salat aus Eisbergsalat, Paprika, 1 Selleriestange und Broccoli. Salatsoße: 2 Eßl Speiseöl, 1 Eßl Olivenöl, Saft 1/2 Zitrone, Salz, Pfeffer, Zucker, Muskat. Heute gebe ich ein paar Würfel Käse zum Salat.
Ein Zwiebel und eine Knoblauchzehe anbraten, mit Brühe auffüllen (übrig geblieben von gestern, man kann aber auch eine Dosenbrühe nehmen). 100 ml Tomatenmark dazugeben. Mit Salz, Pfeffer, Italienischer Kräutermischung würzen.
Und dann....
Dann habe ich eine bessere Idee: Backofen auf 200 C vorheizen.
Die gekochten Nudeln reingeben, Fleisch in kleine Würfel schneiden und drunter mischen. Mit der Tomatensauce auffüllen. Dick mit geriebenem Käse bestreuen und 30 Min im Ofen überbacken.
Zum Nachtisch; Yoghurt mit Blaubeermarmelade.
Da haben wir es mal wieder geschafft!

Friday 8 July 2011

Grilled Pork Ribs and Potato Salad

Summertime is time for potato salad. Therefor I cooked already some potatoes yesterday. Today I bought 4 nice country style pork ribs.
Peel 5 cooked potatoes and slice them into a bowl.
Dressing: 3 tbsp sour cream, 2 tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tsp mustard, salt, pepper, sugar and a tiny pinch of curry powder. Dill, parsley, of course. Mix the dressing with some brine of pickled cucumbers.
(Sometimes I add onions and/or boiled egg to the potato salad, but today its the very plain version).
Mix all well and set aside.

Take ribs and steam with little water for about 15 - 20 minutes.  Drain and season the meat with salt, pepper, lemon pepper and grill until done.

(Maybe someone is missing here all these special, sticky grill sauces people use to flavour their grilled ribs with - just go ahead and put it on. We like ours the plain way.
A tomato brings colour to the plate.

That's for today: Grilled Pork Ribs and Potato Salad

Die Deutsche Ecke:
Schweinerippchen vom Grill mit Kartoffelsalat.
Die vorgekochten, abgekühlten Kartoffeln in Scheiben schneiden. Eine Soße aus 3 Eßl creme fraise, 2 Eßl Mayonaise und 1 Tlf Senf bereiten. Mit Salz, Pfeffer, Zucker und einer winzigen Messerspitze Curry würzen. Dill und Petersilie hinzufügen. Zum Verdünnen nehme ich etwas Flüssikeit von eingemachten Gurken.
(Manchmal gebe ich Zwiebeln und ein hartgekochtes Ei dazu, aber heute ist der Salat ganz einfach). Alles gut mischen und ziehen lassen.
Die Rippchen mit etwas Wasser ca 15 - 20 Minuten dämpfen. Dann mit Salz, Peffer und Zitronenpfeffer würzen und braun grillen.
(Mancher wird hier die beliebten Grillsoßen vermissen. Wir mögen die Rippchen lieber ohne die klebrigen Mischungen).
Eine in Scheiben geschnittene Tomate bring Farbe auf den Teller.

Hambuger and Leftovers

Today I will be easy off. We decided to make our home made hamburgers and utilize leftovers from yesterdays meal as side dishes.
While preparing the hamburger I can boil some potatoes for tomorrows dinner.

2 Kaiser buns, 1 pound (500 g) hamburger meat, no tomatoes in house, I have to use pickled bell peppers instead. Some lettuce leaves. 
Season meat with salt, pepper, paprika powder, and mustard. (egg and bread is optional, we do without it). I cut several slices of salami into small bits and give it to the meat. Mix well and form 3 hamburgers to be grilled.

Prepare buns with mayonnaise, mustard, bell pepper and lettuce.
As side dishes leftovers from yesterday: salad and some reheated meat sauce.

Additional we could have used cheese, ketchup and onions as toppings on the bun but we like it simple.

Today's dinner choice:  Hamburger bun with leftovers

Deutsche Ecke:

Heute gibt es einfache Küche. Brötchen mit Frikadelle und Reste von gestern.
Zuerst - 5 Kartoffeln aufsetzen, die gibt es dann morgen, können aber heute schon gekocht werden.

2 Semmelbrötchen, 500 g Hackfleisch, Salatblätter. Im Moment sind keine Tomaten im Haus, da nehme ich ein paar Streifen von eingemachten Paprikaschoten.
Das Fleisch mit Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika und Senf würzen und braten. (Man kann auch 1 Ei und Brot hinzufügen, aber wir machen es meistens ohne). Ich habe ein paar Salamischeiben im Kühlschrank die ich kleingeschnitten unter die Fleischmasse mische.
Die Brötchen mit etwas Mayonaise und Senf bestreichen und mit Salatblätter belegen. Die gegrillten Frikadellen drauflegen und mit Paprikastreifen dekorieren.
Dazu verwerte ich Reste vom gestrigen Abendessen;  Salat und warme Fleischsoße. 

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Pasta (Noodles), Meat Sauce and a Salad

Today there is an exemption: no potatoes. We will have pasta/noodles.
We mostly use this type:
Fusilli: these short spiral strands of pasta that resemble a corkscrew.

I start with preparing a colourful  salad. 
1 carrot, 1 slice of a bell pepper, 2 broccoli flowers, 1 stalk  of celery, some iceberg lettuce, 1 small apple.  Mince and slice as you like prefer, toss all into a salad bowl.  If you have fresh herbs use a few of them as well.
Dressing: 2 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 tbsp olive oil. There are no lemons left in the fridge today, I have to make do with 1 tsp white vinegar and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar. Salt, pepper, sugar and a dash of nutmeg. 
Mix all well and set aside so it can marinade a while.

Set the 3 cups of pasta/noodles to boil in slightly salted water.

1 pound (500 g) hamburger meat, 1 onion, 1 small  can of diced tomatoes, some bacon bits. (I would have liked to use tomato sauce and garlic as well, but the first is unavailable at the moment, and the latter is forbidden because tonight we will attend a concert.)
Mince the onion, heat 2 tbsp of vegetable oil and 1 tsp of olive oil, and slightly brown bacon bits and onion. 
Add the meat, stir and brown it thoroughly. Season with salt, pepper, sugar, paprika powder, nutmeg and Italian herb mixture. When the meat is cooked  well add a small can of diced tomatoes. The sauce needs some zest, so - since I forgot to replenish my supply of tomato sauce I have to use a tsp of balsamic vinegar and  tbsp of ketchup instead. Thicken the whole with a tbsp corn starch.

If you see carrots and peas in the pan as well —  I just added some leftovers from yesterday.  (It is not necessary)

Drain pasta/noodles (and add a clad of butter). Ready - set-go!
No dessert today — we will get plenty of goodies during the intermission of the concert.

Dinner of the day:
 Pasta/noodles, Meat Sauce and a Salad.

Remark: I like a dash of parmesan on my meat sauce, J-P. doesn't.

Die Deutsche Ecke: 

(Auf speziellen Wunsch ab heute auch in deutscher Sprache :)) Mal sehen wiel lange ich das durchhalte.)

Nudeln mit Hackfleischsauce und buntem Salat.
Einen Salat zubereiten aus: 1 Möhre, 1 Streifen Paprika, 2 Broccolirosetten, 1Stange Staudensellerie, ein paar Blätter Eisbergsalat und 1 kleiner Apfel.
Salatsoße:  2 Eßl Salatöl, 1 Eßl Olivenöl, Salz, Pfeffer, etwas Muskatnuß. Frische Kräuter wären nicht schlecht. In Ermangelung einer Zitrone nehme ich 1 Eßlf weißen Essig und 1 Tlf  Balsamico. Durchmischen und ziehen lassen.
2 Tassen Nudeln in leicht gesalzenem Wasser zum Kochen bringen. 
Fleischsoße: Etwa 500 g Hackfleish,1 Zwiebel, 1 Scheibe durchwachsenen Speck in Würfeln und 1 kl Dose Tomaten.
Zwiebel kleinschneiden und mit dem Speck in 2 Eßl Speiseöl anbraten.
Hackfleisch hinzugeben und gründlich durchbraten. Dann 1 kl Dose gewürfelter Tomaten hinzufügen. Mit Salz, Pfeffer, Zucker, Paprika , Italienischer Kräutermischung und Muskatnuß abschmecken. In Ermangelung von Tomatenmark verwende ich 1 Tlf Balsamico Essig und etwas Ketup. Die Soße mit Maisstärke binden. Evtl ewas Sahne beifügen.

Heute gibt es keinen Nachtisch: Wir gehen zum Sommerkonzert, und dort gibt es in der Pause genügend Schleckereien.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Haddock Filets, Carrots and Peas

Haddock Filets, Carrots and Peas

The typical situation occurs. I am sitting on the couch enjoying a new book about gardening when my dear husband plops on the sofa opposite and -
drops the dreaded question - "what do we have for dinner tonight?" ARRGH.
He just had his coffee and some cake. Now, how can it be that his mind is focused on eating again?
My reply a standard as well: "I have no idea."
He remembers some frozen haddock in the fridge. "Make something with that. Let's have fish today."

Sigh. Well, then. Haddock filet it will be.

What do we have else? Carrots and frozen peas, and - I think your is guess right: POTATOES.

Carrots, Peas and Haddock filets

Remove 5 haddock filets from the freezer and drop them into water to melt.
Bring potatoes to a boil. They are my timer for the rest.

Chop 3 carrots in slices, add 2 cups of frozen peas and set all to steam them in a bit of water. Slice an onion and mince a boat of garlic.
Heat a dollop of butter and a tbsp olive oil in a pan and fry the onion and the minced garlic. Take the haddock out of the water and dry with kitchen paper.
Season with salt, lemon pepper and fresh ground black pepper.
Add into the pan and fry on low heat for about 10 min.
Since the fish was frozen I get a nice fish fond in the pan. Adding juice of 1/2 lemon and 1/4 cup of whipping cream.

Haddock filets and onion rings

Somehow the sauce was not as it should be. My eyes scan the kitchen and stop on a bottle of white wine.
I contained about 1 glass of wine - the leftover from another dinner.
That's what is missing. Pour 1 glass of white wine into the pan and thicken the sauce with 1 tbsp of starch.

The knife test shows that my potatoes are ready. Drain the carrots and peas - they should nearly be steamed dry by now.
Strawberry Kiwi Mousse
Dessert: there is some strawberry/kiwi mousse left in the freezer. That will do.

I'll let you know how I made that when I have to make a new batch.
Dinner is ready.
How to avoid the weeping when working on an onion? People tend to bend over the onion while copping them. It works better when I keep the onion as far as possible away from me on the table. I guess the pungent air raises straight up and that way I keep my eyes out of the way. No weeping any more.

Schellfischfilets mit Erbsen und Möhrengemüse
Die gefrorenen Schellfischfilets zum Auftauen in etwas Wasser geben.
Die Kartoffeln zum Kochen aufsetzen. Möhren in Scheiben schneiden, 2 Tassen gefrorene Erbsen dazugeben und mit etwas Wasser gar dünsten.
Eine Zwiebel und eine Knoblauchzehe kleinschneiden, mit etwas Butter und 1 Tl Olivenöl anbraten. 
Die Schellfischfilets aus dem Wasser nehmen, mit Küchenpapier abtrocknen, mit Salz, Zitornenpfeffer, schwarzem Pfeffer würzen. 
Dann zu den Zwiebeln in die Pfanne geben und etwa 10 Min ziehen lassen. Den Fischsud mit Saft einer halben Zitrone, etwas Sahne und einem Glass trockenem Weißwein abschmecken. Eventuell mit Maisstärke andicken. 
Als Nachtisch: Erdbeer-Kiwi Mousse aus dem Gefrierfach. Das Rezept beschreibe ich euch ein anderes Mal.

Monday 4 July 2011

Grilled Sausage and Tomato Salad

Today we are in the "fatty" corner.

The best of all husbands bought some mini grill sausages, and they seem to content a lot of fat.
Well, well.

I looked around the kitchen and focus on two tomatoes sitting in a colander. Tomato salad it will be.
Potatoes of course, there are some cooked ones, left over of previous meals. They will become German fashioned, fried potatoes.

J-P takes the job of grilling the sausages.

Start with chopping 1 stick of celery, a few straws of chives, some iceberg salad leaves and slicing the tomatoes.
Prepare the dressing: 1 tbsp of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp of olive oil, juice of 1/2 a lemon, salt, pepper, sugar and basil.

Slice the cold potatoes. Heating up 2 tbsp of vegetable oil in a pan as well as some bits of bacon. Fry the potato slices until slightly browned.

Note: As i assumed, the sausages were a bit on the "fatty side", so - there will be no dessert today.

That's it for today:

Grilled sausage,tomato salad and fried potatoes

Sunday 3 July 2011

Steak and green String Beans

Today I decided to start my own blogging about the eternal question:

What shall we have for dinner today?

I try to keep my dinner cooking in a time frame of about 30 minutes and there are no fancy pots and pans or extraordinary ingredients in my kitchen.
This is about plain home cooked meals.
Mostly I do not plan meals ahead. I open the fridge door, peek inside and inspiration hits me - or not.

A look in the fridge shows a pound of fresh, green beans and two steaks (New York Strip Loin). And - of course- potatoes.
I see - writing about my dinner cooking gives me a clue that we do eat a lot of potatoes. But my husband LOVES them. No meal is a good meal without potatoes - must be the German heritage.

Start with stringing the beans. Modern beans are much easier to prepare than the ones I knew as a child. They always had long strings coming off.
Then bring potatoes and beans to a boil. They will be done at the same time.
While my husband is preparing (with salt, pepper and honey) and grilling the steak, (this seems always to be a "Man-thing"), I cook up a white sauce that is to go with the beans.
Melt 2 tbsp margarine or butter, add 1 1/2 tbsp flour and braise this for some seconds. Fill up with milk while stirring rigourously. When it got the right consistence add salt and nutmeg. Turn down the heat to low and stir occasionally.
Drain beans in a colander, keep 1/2 cup of the fluid to flavour the sauce. 
Place beans in a bowl and dress with the sauce. In Europe I used to have "summer savory" to flavour the beans with, but I was not able to find this herb here - so I give it a slight sprinkle with parsley instead.

By now the potatoes and the steaks are ready as well.

Dessert: Yoghurt and strawberry jam.

Remark:If available we use the old-fashioned type of yoghurt. The one that when cut with a knife doesn't loose its shape. It is more tart but way better.

I despise the "creamy" type. The slightly slimy texture of the "modern" yoghurt seems like pre-digested to me .

Our meal today: Steak and green String Beans