
Saturday 28 January 2012

Rib Cook-Out in Holtville, CA

It was pretty breezy but that did not deter people from participating. When we (5 adults and 3 dogs), arrived at around 10:30 AM, the place was packed with locals and winter visitors (snowbirds). The aroma of grilled, smoked meat wafted through the air. 

Long lines everywhere for the ribs and other goodies. We got our tickets and found a booth with no line at all. Their grilled ribs were tasty nonetheless. Additional we got a bowl of spicy Chili. From up on the bleachers we got a real good look over the area.
Then back again into the line for ice cream. The dogs tried to get our attention in vain.  
We enjoyed great food and good music of three bands. 
for more photos see here.

Trotz Wind waren viele Besucher zum Festplatz gekommen. Überall lange Schlangen vor den Verkaufsbuden. Wir haben unsere Grillrippchen und Chilibohnen auf der Trebüne eingenommen. Von dort aus konnte man alles gut überblicken. Danach noch einmal anstellen für ein Eis. Die Hunde waren auch ganz aufgedreht. 
Alles in Allem: gutes Essen und laute Musik. Aber wir hatten unseren Spaß. Nun warten wir auf das Karottenfest im Februar.
Weitere Photos klick hier.

Det blåste kraftig men det var kommet mange besøkende. Folk måtte vente i lange køer føran hver grill, men omsider fikk vi vår del av svineribbe og chilibønner. Oppe på tribunen kunne vi se utover hele plassen. 
Etterpå var nok en gang kø for å få tak i iskremen. 
Hundene ble helt sjalu. 
Nå er det bare å vente på "Gulrot Festivalen" som kommer in Februar.
For flere bilder se her.

Thank you- Vielen Dank - Takker så meget

Dear Readers and Friends 
We want to thank you for your heartfelt emails of condolence. Your prayers, supportive and warm thoughts mean a lot to us. It is so good to feel that we are surrounded by friends who care.
Thank you, friends.

Liebe Freunde und Leser
Wir möchten uns herzlich bedanken für die lieben Grüße, Gedanken und Gebete.
Es ist ein gutes Gefühl von Freunden umgeben zu sein die sich kümmern.
Nochmals vielen Dank.

Kjære Venner og Leser
Vi er takknemelig for deres email, tanker og preker. Det betyr veldig mye for oss. 
Det føles inmari godt å være del av en felleskap som bryr seg.
Tusen takk skal dere ha.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

It is hard to say Good By forever.

Yesterday I drove J.P. to to San Diego and today he is on his way 
to Germany. 
We lost J.P.' mother. She passed away in the early morning hours of January 25th.
She is survived by her husband Hasso of 61 years, two sons (Jens-Peter and Ingo), their families and her two sisters (Inge and Erika).
We had many a good time together, especially while we used to live in Norway.
They visited us a lot and loved to hike with us in the mountains.
These memories will stay alive in our hearts forever. She was the best mother-in-law I can imagine. 
60th Wedding Anniversary, Oct 7th, 2010
May God rest her soul. 

Gestern habe ich J.P. nach San Diego gefahren und heute ist er schon
auf dem Weg nach Deutschland. 
Seine liebe Mutter verstarb heute morgen im Alter von 84 Jahren.
Die Erinnerung an viele schöne, gemeinsame Tage wird in unseren Herzen weiterleben.

Det er en sørgelig dag idag. J.P.´s mor gikk bort inatt.
Hun ble 84 år gammel. 
Vis savner deg. Du vil bli i våre hjerter så lenge vi lever!