
Thursday 25 July 2013

Spaghetti squash and a curious sparrow

Our guests invited to a savoury chilli today and, I pitched in with a baked spaghetti squash.
It was just the right size for 4 people and it's easy to do. The only difficult task is to cut it in halves.
I got into the shed and found a machete-kind-of-knife and a tent-pole hammer. With a few whacks I got the squash divided.
Next thing was to scrape out the seeds and strings.
Seasoned with pepper, salt, garlic and a piece of butter the squash halves were ready for cooking.
With a fork the soft flesh was scraped out into a pan and reheated with butter just before serving.
For additional seasoning I used fresh herbs out of the garden.

While picking the herbs I was watched by a curious sparrow. It always seems to be there when I am weeding. I have heard it singing many times, but never saw where it sat.
This time did and I took the camera, bend down over the lettuce, pretending to pick weeds, then came up slowly and directed the camera at the bird.

It even winked at me!

I spaghetti squash
basil, thyme and parsley
Split the squash in tow halves. With a spoon scrape out the seeds. Season and butter the inside. Cook at 350° F for about an hour until the flesh is soft. Scrape the flesh out, and mix with butter and fresh herbs. You can easily use the squash halves to serve it in. I didn't this time.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Red Currant Jam

I was just telling my hubby: "If I were supposed to live off my postings I would be starving".

There are too many prolonged times of writers block! Sigh.

Although there is always something to write about it seems to be so unimportant at times. And the fear of a "repetition" is there all along.
"Didn't I write about that already"?
On the other side: isn't life mostly a repetition of actions with a new thing interspersed now and then?
Well, before I get too philosophical I'll stop right here!
(This is taken on the black top of my ceramic tile stove, hence the black background.)

Today I was invited to pick some red currants at a friends house.
I rushed over because there was a threat of rain in the air and we picked about 2 pounds of the bright red berries before the downpour started. Whew!
Now, 3 hours later, the cleaning, cooking and filling of jars is done and I can look upon 5 jars of currant jam! A nice treat.
There are many flowers out in my garden. I love to take photos of them and I created another page just for the fun of it.
My Peonies that died on me in the spring because of blight. I was devastated. But after I cut the plant back it surprised me with new growth and seven new buds. 
Therefore they all bloom now in July. 
(Of course it has to be raining on them, isn't that the case every year, whenever day they start blooming -you can bet on, it starts raining.)
And now - it is pouring down!
Good thing that I cut the lawn yesterday and I don't have to water the garden today ... :)