
Wednesday 8 January 2014

Again and again

This morning the cold outside had left our single pane windows pretty foggy.
That was the right condition for my favourite bird to make its appearance in the bush right outside!
A male Northern Cardinal!

Wrong lens attached! What the heck! 
Get it, GET it!

One click.
The bird saw my movement behind the window and was gone!
When I checked the result: 
NOT sharp. Ugh.

Too bad the windows were so foggy and dirty. I should have 
cleaned them, should have dried them.
I should have been more patient, more focused.

Next, there was a female Cardinal on the ground.
 Another dirty window but, the 200mm lens was on, 
the bird much closer to the trailer.

While I was pointing the camera close to the window pane
my breath started to fog it over. Autofocus didn't work! %#$@
And what kind of bird was that?
One of the photos there showed one that
looked like the one I got here on the ground.
So, I guess that it is right.
"A female, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Myrtle". 

That was enough excitement for the morning.

In the afternoon we slowly made it into warmer temperatures. 
Sitting in the sun I found 
that it was downright too "hot" for having a sweater on. 
Though, in the shadows of the trees, a little pond was still frozen.

Later in the afternoon the sky became overcast. 
Everything was all dull and grey, until the sun dropped out 
 of the dark clouds.

Even if it bores you all to death. 
I just HAD to take photos.

Monday 6 January 2014

This and ZZZZZ

Blue sky and sunny when I looked out of the window this morning.
I took a long walk with Molly in what I would call: 
Canadian spring temperatures.
Later I picked some of the beautiful Camellia flowers. I fear they will not survive this nights temperatures.
Better to enjoy them inside for a while.
Later, when we prepared dinner, Molly got into "chicken mode".
I found another chicken discussion on Sue's blog. Spike and Bridget, Sue's dogs, were discussing their New Year's resolutions. 
Quite funny!
 Maybe I get something if I wait here???
The food taster's verdict said: No problems here.

Unfortunately Molly is not allowed chicken or turkey.t
Her digestive system does not agree with it.

She settled for a deal with rice, cooked carrots and 
a good nap on the couch. 

Sunday 5 January 2014

A few crumbs

J.P. is arguing with his PC, again!
MY guess, it will take while before his daily posting will be done.

Just a few "crumbs" from me.
The weather was cloudy and mild all day long.
While hubby was doing the necessary dumping this morning I ventured down to the Bayou to check out the area.
Only a very slim sandy beach.
OOPS: I would not go swimming here!

I happened to scared a hawk up from his meal. Sitting in one of the trees it was about to devour a fish. 
My appearance scared it up into the sky.

My guess, from his screams and colours, that is it was an Osprey. But he was so far up in the sky that my 55 mm didn't get him close enough.
But I observed what seemed to be a fish in his talons after I cropped the photos.

Coming back to our site, there was a heck of a racket in the bushes closest to our trailer. But first after some seconds I saw, what seemed to be a Northern Mockingbird, in a tree not too far away.
I went inside, got the my camera and the 200 mm lens. It was still there when I returned and could get some good shots.
The bird was not shy at all. It seemed to watch what I was doing.
I wish Northern Cardinals were like that! They are on top of the list of birds I really would like to get close in front of the lens.

That was it for the day. Waiting for the BIG COLD that is going to hit us tomorrow.