
Saturday 19 November 2011

Cake Day!

Freshly baked cake today!

J.P. had a CAKE Day. After helping a friend with his awning he decided to bake a cake. I withdraw into the rear department of our motorhome and let things run it's course. After a while the good smell wafted through the door and the cake maker came with a big smile into my room. "Cake with the coffee, soon! "he announced.
And we had a good cup of coffee and a nice piece of cake in the late afternoon sunshine. Life is good!

J.P. hatte heute seinen "Backtag". Nachdem er einem Friend beim Reparieren der Markise geholfen hatte wollte er einen Kuchen backen. Ich verzog mich ins hintere Teil unseres Wohnmobil und überließ ihm die Küche. Nach einer Zeit zog der Geruch frischen Kuchens in mein Abteil und er rief: "Gleich gibt es Kuchen zum Kaffee!" Was braucht man mehr?

Etter at gubben min hadde hjulpet naboen med fiksing markisen på bobilen hans han fikk ideen å lage en kake. Jeg tok en bok og forsvant ut av synet for en stund. Men etter en stund begynnte det å lukte virkelig godt. Så kom han rund hjørnet å varslet: "Snart blir det kaffe med kake attåt!"
På ettermiddagen sat vi ute og nytet tilværelsen med kaffe og nybakt kake.

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