
Friday 6 January 2012

Chicken and something

Here we turn south... the meeting place near Quartzsite, AZ

After we arrived in Quartzsite, AZ we were met with a big "Hello" from all these nice people we only knew through their blogs. Finally we got to meet some of them in person.
Terry, Jeri and Sandi....
My supper was done quickly since I cooked the chicken a day ahead.
Just some potatoes and veggies to cook and we were ready.
Afterwards we socialized around a bon-fire. Some of the ones we know from their blogs: Terry and Jeri, Sandi and Jim and Jimbo.

Welcome to a new follower: BJ: Joe and Betty! I read your 97 year old mom travelled with you for a while. Wow! That's the way to go. RV's are a great bunch of people!
and more friends around the bon-fire

Hühnchen mit was dazu
Als wir in Quartzsite, AZ ankamen wurden wir mit großem "Hallo" begrüßt. Obwohl wir uns nicht kannten, haben wir doch den ein oder anderen Blog verfolgt und waren uns nicht ganz fremd. Die Campingleute sind doch ein spezielles Völkchen. Man trifft auf viele nette Leute unterwegs.

Chicken, Sauce with Mushrooms, Veggies
Unser Abendessen war schnell zubereitet da ich das Hühnerfleisch schon am Abend vorher zubereitet hatte. Nun gab es nur noch die Kartoffeln und das Gemüse zu kochen. Anschließend saßen wir noch lange zusammen am Lagerfeuer. 

Kyllingkjøtt og noe attåt
Ved ankomsten i Quartzsite, AZ ble vi hjertelig hilst velkommen av våre venner fra blog-verden. Vi har ikke møtt hverandre før men vi har lest bloggen av hverandre mange ganger og følgt med hva som skjer i hveranderes reisedager.
Maten var laget i en fei fordi jeg hadde tilbered kjyllingkjøttet dagen i forveien.
Da ble det bare å koke noen grønnsaker og poteter.
Etterpå sat vi i lag rundt bålet og koste oss.

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