to Germany.
We lost J.P.' mother. She passed away in the early morning hours of January 25th.
She is survived by her husband Hasso of 61 years, two sons (Jens-Peter and Ingo), their families and her two sisters (Inge and Erika).
We had many a good time together, especially while we used to live in Norway.
They visited us a lot and loved to hike with us in the mountains.
These memories will stay alive in our hearts forever. She was the best mother-in-law I can imagine.
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60th Wedding Anniversary, Oct 7th, 2010 |
Gestern habe ich J.P. nach San Diego gefahren und heute ist er schon
auf dem Weg nach Deutschland.
Seine liebe Mutter verstarb heute morgen im Alter von 84 Jahren.
Die Erinnerung an viele schöne, gemeinsame Tage wird in unseren Herzen weiterleben.
Det er en sørgelig dag idag. J.P.´s mor gikk bort inatt.
Hun ble 84 år gammel.
Vis savner deg. Du vil bli i våre hjerter så lenge vi lever!
I'm so very sorry about your loss. It's the good memories that will always keep her alive in your heart.