
Saturday 28 January 2012

Thank you- Vielen Dank - Takker så meget

Dear Readers and Friends 
We want to thank you for your heartfelt emails of condolence. Your prayers, supportive and warm thoughts mean a lot to us. It is so good to feel that we are surrounded by friends who care.
Thank you, friends.

Liebe Freunde und Leser
Wir möchten uns herzlich bedanken für die lieben Grüße, Gedanken und Gebete.
Es ist ein gutes Gefühl von Freunden umgeben zu sein die sich kümmern.
Nochmals vielen Dank.

Kjære Venner og Leser
Vi er takknemelig for deres email, tanker og preker. Det betyr veldig mye for oss. 
Det føles inmari godt å være del av en felleskap som bryr seg.
Tusen takk skal dere ha.

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I love getting a comment from you now and then. Be patient, they will appear, I just have to see first if they are OK to publish. No anonymous any more. I am getting too much spam.