
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Gardening and Danish Waffles

2nd part of Thirsday's events:
After a foggy start of the morning the day turned out as a cloudy day, a good work weather. Many wheelbarrows with soil were prepared and filled into my little garden bed. 

Thin layers of peat-moss and some compost were added. 
Our compost bin yielded 2 wheel-barrels full of black soil!  Not bad at alle.

I used a plastic crate to separate the rocks and the roots. 
Which worked pretty well.

I guess I need another day of work before the top layer of gardening soil (vermiculite) gets added. 
There are negative sides of living on this island. One is that we are NOT allowed to import any soil, plants or bulbs from the US. Not even when bought in Canada and just transferred through the US. It is not like go shopping at the nearest garden centre whenever you feel for it.
Nay - we have to wait until the ferry starts going again. Then we can go direct to mainland Canada and get  the necessary gardening stuff. But that will be in the end of June, way too late for my garden project.
Many gardeners buy their supplies in the fall, store it and get an early start in May, but I didn't plan that far and now I have to make do with what I can get. 
There are some leftover soil bags at the local grocery, so there is hope. 

For coffee I baked some thin Danish Waffles. I was lucky and found an old fashioned waffle iron on the flee-marked. 
Ingredients for waffles baked with WATER. (We like them crisp)

1 cup       butter

1 cup sugar


3   eggs
2 2/3      cup flour       
1/2 tsp   baking powder
1 tsp  vanilla essence
1 cup       cold water (better: club soda)

Beat butter and sugar. Add one egg at a time. Blend baking powder and flour. Mix vanilla and water. Add flour one cup at a time to the egg batter. Add water. Ladle onto waffle iron and bake ca 2 minutes or until brown.
Cool on a rack. Serve sprinkled with icing sugar.

1 comment:

  1. I love waffles and especially the old fashioned ones. I also enjoy gardening but right now I have no garden!!


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