
Sunday 13 May 2012

Spring cleaning continues

Another day spent on cleaning the motor home. Last time I did it was while J.P. went to Germany in February. But It was pretty grimy again and this time I took even a toothbrush to get into the darkest corners.
I have no photo proving that I actually was working. Too, busy to think about taking pictures.
Now it is so clean that we could sell it!:))
our winter home
My reward: hubby did the cooking today. Salmon on the grill, same thing as a week ago or so. Same good stuff. Look here if you missed it.
Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment coming up. St. Stephen again. Well, at least we get all checking done in the spring. By June 5th I will get the results.
blooming wild cherries
Now I am shot.
Noch ein Tag mit Hausputz im Wohnmobil. Erstaunlich wie schnell alles wieder schmuddelig wird. Hatte doch gerade im Februar Großreinemachen gehabt.

Dieses Mal war ich noch gründlicher, mit der Zahnbürste in die hintersten Ecken.
Nun ist es so sauber das wir es glatt zum Verkauf anbieten könnten. :))
Als Belohnung hat mein Göttergatte heute gekocht. Lachs, gegrill wie letzes Mal.
Und genauso lecker.
Morgen geht es mal wieder zum Arzt. Die Termine reihen sich aufeinander. Aber wenigstens habe ich nicht wieder bis September damit gewartet. Am 5. Juni werden dann wohl alle Resultate vorliegen.
Nun bin ich erst ein mal reif für den Feierabend.


  1. Are you planning on selling it?

  2. I lived in a mobile home until my fourth kid was a year old. It wasn't nearly as large as yours. It looks beautiful!


I love getting a comment from you now and then. Be patient, they will appear, I just have to see first if they are OK to publish. No anonymous any more. I am getting too much spam.