The morning came with beautiful blue sky and sunshine and, finally we got our power back.
Hurricane "Irene" scraped by with a few heavy rain showers and wind over night. Then the power went for about 12 hours because somewhere trees had fallen over the power lines. No problem for us, we had light thanks to our generator.
Luckily I had prepared the meat-loaf already Saturday morning and we had dinner around 6 pm. We were just done with the dishes and I was about to write my post for the day when the power went dead. Therefore I have to do it this morning.
Side dishes: Carrots and Broccoli, Potatoes.
2lb. regular ground meat, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 egg, 1 tsp mustard, (1 tsp garlic salt), 1 egg, 1 onion (finely chopped), 1 tbs. mustard. Mix all ingredients together. There is enough to fill 2 aluminium bread pans, so we have one to spare.
This time I put 2 pickled cucumbers into the meat. That's the way my father used to do it. Sometimes he also would add a boiled egg. Looks nice when cut up in slices later.
Bake the loaf at 350 F for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours.
For the sauce: 3/4 cup ketchup, 2 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp Tabasco sauce, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp paprika powder and 1/2 cup water.
Combine all ingredients in pan and boil for 1 minute, turn heat low to simmer and cook until liquid is reduced by one third. Serve sauce over meat loaf.
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Meatloaf, Vetegables, Potatoes |
1 kg gemischtes Hackfleisch, 1 Teel Salz, 1/2 Teel Pfeffer, 1 Ei, 1 Eßl Senf, 1 Ei, (1 Teel Knoblauchsalz) und 1 kleingeschnittene Zwiebel. Das Hackfleisch mischen und in Brotformen füllen. Heute lege ich noch 2 saure Gurken in die Masse. So wurde es bei uns zuhause immer gemacht. Manchmal wurde auch noch ein gekochtes Ei hinein gelegt. Den Hackbraten bei 180 C ca 1 1/4 bis 1 1/2 Stunde im Backofen garen.
Für die Soße: 175 ml ketchup, 2 Eßl Honig, 2 Eßl Tabasco, 1Eßl Zitronensaft, 1/2 Eßl Paprika und 175 ml Wasser. Alles mischen und aufkochen lassen, dann etwas einkochen lassen. Über den Eintopf gießen. Dazu gab es gekochte Karotten, Broccoli und Salzkartoffeln.
Nachtisch: Yoghurt mit frischen Brombeeren.
1 kg vanlig kjøttdeig, 1 ts salt, 1/2 ts pepper, 1 egg, 1 ts sennep, (1 ts hvitløksalt), 1 løk. Bland alt ihop og fyll i brødpanner.og stek ved 180 C i 1 1/4 eller 1 1/2 timer. Idag la jeg 2 sylted agurk in i kjøttdeigen slik faren min gjorde det.
Lag en saus av: 175 ml ketchup, 2 ss honning, 2 ss Tabasko saus,1 ss sitron juice,
1/2 ts paprika og 1/2 kopp vann. Kok opp blandingen og simmer den ved lav varme i 10 min. Serveres til kjøttpuddingen.
I tillegg: kokte gulrøtter, brokkoli og poteter.
Dessert: jogurt med friske bjørnebær.
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