
Friday 9 September 2011

Kotelett with Mushroom Sauce

A kind of "Jäger Kotelett" (Pork cutlets)
Side dishes: kokt potatoes, vegetables and a salad.
Yesterday I got the idea of making a Jägerkotelett.That is pork cutlets with mushroom sauce.It would be a "Jägerschnitzel" if I had breaded the meat before frying. This dish is on any menu in Germany. Usually served with peas and carrots. 2 cutlets are fried in 2 tbs. oil about 3 minutes per side. 7 mushrooms are sliced and fried in 1 tbs. butter until lightly browned then sat aside. A sauce is made of 1/2 cup of broth, 1 tbs. flour and 2 tbs. sour cream. Heat the broth and dissolve the flour in some water. Pour into the broth and boil for some minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Take off the heat and add sour cream and the mushrooms.  I made a tomato/ cucumber salad of: 2 tomatoes and 1/4 cucumber cut in slices. For the marinade: 2 tbs. olive oil, 1 tbs. balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, salt, pepper, dill and basil to taste. Make the salad first and toss vegetables in the marinade several times while cooking the other things. Since J.P. likes to have some cooked vegetables I boiled 2 carrots with the potatoes.
Remark: I made a mistake the other day and froze the sour cream. No good. It curdled.
Heute gibt es Kotelett mit Champignonsoße. Dazu werden Salzkartoffeln, Gemüse und ein Tomaten/ Gurkensalat gereicht.
2 Koteletts ohne Knochen werden in 2 Eßl. Öl ca 3 Minuten von jeder Seite gebraten. 7 Champignons in Scheiben schneiden und in 1 Eßl. Butter bräunen. Dann zur Seite stellen. Eine Soße nach Hausmannsart mit 200 ml Brühe und 1 Eßl. Mehl anrühren und aufkochen lassen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und von der Hitze nehmen. 2 Eßl. Creme Fraiche  und die Champignons hinzufügen. Die Karotten wurden gleichzeitig mit den Kartoffeln gekocht. Zum Salat; 2 Tomaten und 1/4 Salatgurke in Scheiben schneiden. Mit 2 Eßl Olivenöl, 1 Eßl. Balsamico Essig, Zucker, Salz, Dill und Basilikum würzen. Den Salat mache ich immer zuerst damit die Marinade gut einziehen kann.
Kotelett mit Champignonsoße
(Leider hatte ich die Creme Fraiche eingefroren. Nun war sie leider geronnen.)
Igår bestemte jeg meg å lage svinekoteletter med champignongsaus. I tillegg blir det kokte poteter, gulrøtter og en tomat/agurk salat. 2 svinekoteletter ble stekt i 2 ss matolje. Ca 3 minutter per side. 7 champignonger ble skåret i skiver og stekt i 1 ss smør until brun. Så ble de satt til side. Sausen ble laget med 200 ml kraft og 1 ss mel. Må kokes i noen minutter. Smak til med pepper of salt. Når den har tykknet tar den fra heten og tilføy 2 ss med rømme og champignonger. Salaten ble laget av: 2 tomater og 1/4 agurk skåret i tynne skiver. Marinaden: 2 ss oliven olje, 1 ss balsamic eddik, sukker, salt, pepper, dill og basilikum. Jeg laget salaten først slik at den kunne trekke seg i marinaden.
(Jeg gjorde en bommert å frøs ned rømmen, opptint skillte de. Det skal jeg ikke gjøre en gang til!)

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