
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Transition Day 1

Need to get processed tomorrow! 
Jams and Jellies
Since we got the thumbs up yesterday the time has come were we have to pack up. Today all my kitchen and bathroom stuff was moved to our home on wheels. But the fridge is still in use in the house. The transition days are a bit chaotic. I still want to cook in the real kitchen but the ingredients for the most are in the wheeled home. But that's so. There is no way to get i all moved in one day only. 
Coolers are full with jams and jellies. 
Tomorrow I have to cook all the vegetables otherwise we get into trouble passing the border. 
This has still to be moved
Today's meal was rather plain. Some potatoes, some carrots and parsnips with butter and nutmeg and slices of smoked ham. As an appetizer I found a piece of my pizza without yeast in the freezer. It was still good and reminded me of making it again in the near future.
Tomorrow there will be cooking BIG TIME. The plan is to make a big amount of vegetable stew, some cookies, 2 breads and a meat loaf. That will get us some 100 miles down the road. And not to forget 4 squash and 1 pumpkin! 
Da wir gestern endlich grünes Licht bekamen ging heute das große Packen los.
Die ganzen Küchen - und Badezimmerartikel wanderten in unser Haus-auf- Rädern. Der Kühlschrank blieb noch unberührt. Ich will noch lieber in der Küche kochen, aber die meisten Utensilien sind schon weg. Der Übergang ist immer etwas chaotisch. Nun ja, anders geht es nicht, man kann nicht alles auf einmal umräumen. Ein "Cooler" ist schon voll mit Gelee und Marmelade. Morgen werde ich dann alle Gemüse kochen da wir sonst an der Grenze in Schwierigkeiten geraten.
Heute war das Essen deshalb nur einfach. Ein paar Kartoffeln, Karotten und Pastinack mit Butter und Muskat. Dazu ein paar Scheiben gekochter Schinken.
Aber morgen wird GEKOCHT. Geplant sind; eine große Menge Eintopf, Plätzchen, 2 Brote und ein Falscher Hase. Ja, und dann sind da noch 4 Squash und ein Kürbis! Man sieht wir sind im Steß.
Siden vi fikk grønt lys igår vi begynte å pakke idag. Saker og ting fra kjøkkenet og bad ble båret over til vår hjem på hjul. Kjøleskapet er enda i bruk her. Nå kommer noen dager med kaos. Noen ting er her, noen er der. Men sann er det. Man kan ikke få ryddet alt på én dag. 
Idag ble det enkel mat. Noen poteter, gulrot og pastinak med smør og muskat. I tillegg røkt kokt skinke. Men imorgen blir det MATLAGING! 
Planen er å lage en stor gryte med grønnsaker, noen småkjeks, 2 brød og en kjøttkake. Akk ja, ikke glem 4 squash og 1 gresskar! Det blir travelt, gitt!

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